On Source OMS server login with sysman credentials
SRC_OMS_SERVER:NOTSET:/opt/oracle/product/middleware/oms/bin $ ./emcli login -username=sysman
Enter password :
Login successful
SRC_OMS_SERVER:NOTSET:/opt/oracle/product/middleware/oms/bin $ ./emcli get_reports | grep -i orcldb
"ORCLDB Failed Logons - Scheduled1 - 12c","SYSMAN","(ORCLDB Failed Logons - Scheduled1 - 12c)"
SRC_OMS_SERVER:NOTSET:/opt/oracle/product/middleware/oms/bin $ ./emcli export_report -output_file=/home/oracle/ORCLDB.xml -title="ORCLDB Failed Logons - Scheduled1 - 12c" -owner=SYSMAN
Report "ORCLDB Failed Logons - Scheduled1 - 12c", owned by "SYSMAN", has been exported from the repository.
Exported reports may not contain all information from original report. Repository specific information such as targets, administrator access, and schedules are not exported. Imported reports should be edited after import to supply all necessary report parameters.
Now, scp the xml file generated to the target OMS server
SRC_OMS_SERVER:NOTSET:/opt/oracle/product/middleware/oms/bin $ scp /home/oracle/ORCLDB.xml oracle@TRG_OMS_SERVER:/home/oracle
oracle@TRG_OMS_SERVER's password:
[oracle@TRG_OMS_SERVER bin]$ ./emcli login -username=sysman
Enter password :
Login successful
[oracle@TRG_OMS_SERVER ~]$ cd $OMS_HOME/bin
[oracle@TRG_OMS_SERVER bin]$ ./emcli import_report -files=/home/oracle/ORCLDB.xml
File "/home/oracle/ORCLDB.xml" has been imported into the repository.
Imported reports should be edited after import to supply all necessary report parameters.
Go to oem reports then you'll see this report
Doc ID 831165.1