Wednesday, January 31, 2018

ERROR : OGG-01172 Discard file

My replicat ABENDED with below error

2018-01-29 12:33:13  ERROR   OGG-01172  Discard file (/goldengate/home/dirrpt/rmydev2.dsc) exceeded max bytes (3000000).

To fix this either we can add and specify space for discard file (shown below) OR go to GG_HOME/dirdat and backup the above discard file.
By default GG will automatically creates new discard file every time you stare the process but if you still see this error then discard file size has to be increased

Valid file size range is from 1 to 2147
DEFAULT file size is 1MB

perform these steps............

Open the paramfile à Modify à save à Start replicat

GGSCI (oradev01) 4> edit params RMYDEV2

REPLICAT rmydev2
DISCARDFILE /goldengate/home/dirrpt/rmydev2.dsc, PURGE

REPLICAT rmydev2
DISCARDFILE /goldengate/home/dirrpt/rmydev2.dsc, PURGE, MEGABYTES 10

GGSCI (oradev01) 5> start RMYDEV2

Sending START request to MANAGER ...

Now my replicat started and processing changes

Refer more on Oracle DOC:
GGS ERROR 103 Discard file (<GG_PATH>/<discard_filename>) Exceeded Max Bytes (1000000000) (Doc ID 1366607.1)

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