Wednesday, July 6, 2022

OEM 13c New feature - SYSTEM BROADCAST


There are times where OEM admin wants to inform and send notification banner to all the users or particular user who are connected to the OEM due to some maintenance/Downtime .

 So OEM 13c has one new feature introduced – “SYSTEM BROADCAST” , where you can send a broadcast message (upto 200 Char) using EMCLI command

Login to OMS server

 Cd $OMS/bin

 Syntax :

emcli publish_message -toOption="ALL|SPECIFIC"
           [-to="comma separated user names"]
           [-messageType="INFO|CONF|WARN|ERROR|WARNING" (default is INFO)]
          -message="message details" 
           [ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.



[oracle@omssrvr bin]$ ./emcli send_system_broadcast -toOption="ALL" -messageType="INFO" -message="OEM is going down for Maintenance this Friday 10AM CST”

Status:Unauthorized 401


To send system broadcast to ALL users connected to OEM

[oracle@omssrvr bin]$ ./emcli login -username=sysman
Enter password :

 Login successful

 [oracle@omssrvr  bin]$ ./emcli send_system_broadcast -toOption="ALL" -messageType="INFO" -message= "OEM is going down for Maintenance this Friday 10AM CST”

Successfully requested to send System Broadcast to users.


To send system broadcast to Specific user connected to OEM 

./emcli send_system_broadcast  -toOption="SPECIFIC" -to="USERNAME" -messageType="WARN" -message="OEM is going down for Maintenance this Friday 10AM CST”



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