Monday, April 11, 2011

Steps To Generate AWR Report

Step 1: Go to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin

Step 2: Run command ls -lrt awr*

Step 3: Connect to sqlplus

Step 4:  From the sql prompt run awrrpt (or) awrrpti (for specified instance)

Step 5: it will now ask for the report as either ‘HTML’ or ‘TEXT’. (choose one)

Step 6: Select number of days you want to go back or just hit enter for listing all completed snapshots.

Step 7: Then specify Begin and End snapshot Ids.

Step 8: Here you specify the name of the report or select the default name assigned.

Step 9: The report gets generated.

Step 10: Exit SQLPLUS.

Step 11: Run command ls –ltr newname to show the new file created under the path you are in

Here are some of the scripts:

awrrpt.sql – Produces the AWR report for the current (local) database and instance.
awrrpti.sql - Produces the AWR report for a specified database and instance.
awrgrpt.sql (11g Release 2 and above) - Produces the Global AWR report for all available instances in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment. It does this for the current database.
awrgrpti.sql (11g Release 2 and above) - Produces the Global AWR report for available instances in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment. It does this for a specified database and instances (either one instance, a comma delimited list of some instances or all instances can be chosen).


goutham said...

Chandu,its a good post.begginer like me i am able to get lot from it.


Oracle DBA said...

Thank you Goutham

Unknown said...

Thanks Chandu, B'cos knowledge shared by u is a very good help for begginer like me too

assistant Programmers said...

For windows setup Kindly send it

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